Pick Your Tears Up
This song means the world to me, I wrote it to the broken girl I saw in the mirror in 2020, the girl who felt like she had nothing left to give! This song feels extra special because almost all of it is made using my voice. Every pad/piano and all the mmm da das are me! At a time where I felt like I had lost my voice, this song helped me find it again.
“I Don’t Wanna Let You Down, I Just Wanna Stick Around”
Lyric from Pick Your Tears Up
Riot a song about the emotional and physical injustices that black people face daily. Written in 2014 about the murder of Eric Garner but the lyrics of the song have been reinforced and made relevant time and time again by systemic racism and police brutality, a recent example being the murder of George Floyd. The song is about something very painful and traumatising but it’s also really important to me to represent black joy, power and real people. This song is not about me, I’m here to tell the story and it’s me using my voice and doing what i can do to spread a message.
“We don’t want to live in vain so please dont try to hide our pain. The time is now we need a change“
Lyric from Riot
This project is not about my father, but I cannot ignore the fact that the way i was raised has had a lasting effect on the way i navigate the world . I wrote this song when i was 17 and with this project being about a journey to finding who i am now it felt weird to leave that chapter out. This song was sonically inspired by my love for ‘808’s And Heartbreak’
“You took my youth for weakness but I’m not a child no more. I’ll give your forgiveness but I’m not a fool“
Lyric from Bloodwar

Mother is a song I wrote about me and my mum and the realisation that although she is the only part of me I really know, we are not the same nor will we ever be treated the same. I was often denied my mum as she is white and I am not. People would often ask where she got me from or if i was adopted. Me and my mum have always been really really close and I feel just like her, but i’ve always struggled to see myself in her physically.
“Mother I feel just like you and I hate that its true but the world doesn’t treat me like you“
Lyric from Mother

Love me Now (Worst I‘ve Ever Had)
I wrote this song about how capable I am of loving someone else but not myself. I’ve always been super hard on myself but always gone out of my way to lift other people up. The chorus lyric is ‘wish I could love me how, I can love somebody else’ which sums it up really.
“Wish I could love me how, I can love somebody else“
Lyric from Love me Now (Worst I’ve Ever Had)
Tired of Trying to Be Anyone Else
I wrote this song about completely losing myself to trying to be something that i wasn’t.
“Maybe I’m a fool for saying I won’t change for you, cos I know I ain’t losing unless losing’s what I say I’ll do“
Lyric from Tired of Trying to Be Anyone Else